Electrostatic interactions play an important role in numerous self-assembly phenomena, including colloidal aggregation. Although colloids typically have a dielectric constant that differs from the surrounding solvent, the effective interactions that arise from inhomogeneous polarization charge distributions are generally neglected in theoretical and computational studies. We introduce an efficient technique to resolve polarization charges in dynamical dielectric geometries, and demonstrate that dielectric effects qualitatively alter the predicted self-assembled structures, with surprising colloidal strings arising from many-body effects.PACS numbers: 77.84. Nh, 82.70.Dd, 61.20.Ja, 77.22.Ej Colloids are ubiquitous in systems of physical, chemical, and biological interest. In suspension, dissociation of surface groups frequently causes these particles to carry an electrical charge, resulting in electrostatic interactions that play an important role in colloidal stability, aggregation, and self-assembly [1][2][3]. Far less is known about the effect of induced polarization charges. Although molecular dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo simulations of charged colloids are now commonplace, they rarely take into account dielectric effects and instead treat the dielectric constant as spatially uniform. This is particularly striking in view of the large dielectric contrast between typical colloids and an aqueous solution (e.g., κ ≈ 2.5 for polystyrene vs. κ ≈ 80 for water at 293 K), which induces significant polarization charges at the colloidal surface. Densely packed and anisotropic arrangements of dielectric objects make this approximation even less justified. Thus, there is a pressing need to assess the role of dielectric effects in self-assembly phenomena.Proper treatment of dielectric effects has been limited by computational complexity. Only the simplest dielectric geometries permit analytical solution. For an interacting system of dielectric spheres, a series expansion has been derived [4], but this still requires expensive numerical evaluation. A more general approach is to numerically solve the induced bound charge self-consistently over discretized dielectric interfaces [5][6][7][8][9][10]. This approach does not constrain the geometry, but has not yet been efficient enough to allow simulation of dynamical dielectric objects, such as mobile colloids. Indeed, existing work has largely treated the dielectric geometry as static, focusing on ion distributions in planar [11][12][13] or spherical [14,15] geometries.In this Letter, we address this situation by presenting the first study of a dielectric system with a fully dynamic geometry, exploring the effect of polarization charges that respond to and influence the motion of charged colloids. Using an optimized simulation method [16] we explicitly demonstrate that dielectric interactions can qualitatively alter self-assembly in a prototypical size-asymmetric binary mixture of charged colloids in solution. In particular, polarization charge that binds a colloid pair ca...