We present a N = 1 Supersymmetric extension of a spin-charge separated effective SU (2) × U S (1) 'particle-hole' gauge theory of excitations about the nodes of the gap of a d-wave planar magnetic superconductor. The supersymmetry is achieved without introducing extra degrees of freedom, as compared to the non-supersymmetric models. The only exception, the introduction of gaugino fieds, finds a natural physical interpretation as describing interlayer coupling in the statistical model. The low-energy continuum theory is described by a relativistic (2+1)-dimensional supersymmetric CP 1 σ-model with Gross-Neveu-Thirring-type four-fermion interactions. We emphasize the crucial rôle of the CP 1 constraint in inducing a non-trivial dynamical mass generation for fermions (and thus superconductivity), in a way compatible with manifest N = 1 supersymmetry. We also give a preliminary discussion of non-perturbative effects. We argue that supersymmetry suppresses the dangerous for superconductivity instanton contributions to the mass of the perturbatively massless gauge boson of the unbroken U (1) subgroup of SU (2). Finally, we point out the possibility of applying these ideas to effective gauge models of spin-charge separation in one-space dimensional superconducting chains of holons, which, for example, have recently been claimed to be important in the stripe phase of underdoped cuprates.