a reduction in the number of peerteacher applicants for the dissection course was observed. This study examined factors related to the attractiveness of a position as a peer-teacher for Generation Z students.Participants of the gross anatomy course were asked to evaluate factors influencing the attractiveness of a peer-teacher position using a six-point Likert scale. Additionally, openended questions were analyzed qualitatively. Sex-specific subgroup analysis was performed comparing students of a low and high motivation to apply for a tutorship. Of the 374 students who participated in this study (response rate 53%), 38% stated that they were intending to apply as peer-teachers. Data indicated that students displayed intrinsic motivation to apply for a tutorship because of the opportunity to improve their anatomy knowledge and/or their pleasure in teaching. By contrast, extrinsic factors like remuneration of the tutorship and its relevance for their curriculum vitae were least important. Anatomy educators underestimated the demotivating factor of workload associated with the tutorship and encouraged students less frequently to apply than peer-teachers. Only minor sex-specific differences could be identified. Nevertheless, female students were encouraged less frequently to apply than their male peers. In summary, Generation Z students apply as peer-teachers because they are enthusiastic about the task. To motivate students to commit to extracurricular activities like a tutorship, anatomy educators should actively encourage students -particularly femalesmore frequently to apply.