Reduction O 0220Chemoselective Hydrogen Transfer Reduction of Unsaturated Ketones to Allylic Alcohols with Solid Zr and Hf Catalysts. -Zirconium and Hafnium (not shown) catalysts, immobilized on mesoporous silica MCM-41, efficiently catalyze the hydrogen transfer reduction of various α,β-unsaturated ketones to the corresponding allylic alcohols. Chemoselectivities observed range from 94 to 98%. -(DE BRUYN, M.; DE VOS, D. E.; JACOBS*, P. A.; Adv. Synth. Catal. 344 (2002) 10, 1120-1125; Cent. Surf. Chem. Catal., Kathol. Univ. Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belg.; Eng.) -Nuesgen 15-063