Using a case from the healthcare delivery sector, we demonstrate how a structured evaluation approach can facilitate the measurement of actual ICT contributions in various contexts. Typically, such are intricate due to the complexities inherent in the environments, making it difficult to evaluate the relationship between ICT and the benefits it intends to achieve to a reasonable degree. The approach suggested in this paper tries to partly remedy some of these complications, by facilitating qualitative data elicitations, aggregation, analysis and evaluation. To make this computationally meaningful, a decision support tool for handling numerically imprecise information is used for the data analysis and evaluation details. The results of this indicate that such an approach makes at least some meaningful input for practitioners and policymakers. In comparison to the qualitative in-depth approaches this approach facilitates a one-point in time assessment, which is less resource intensive, but provides prompt and substantial insight on the development performance of ICT4D initiatives. A similar approach would also be applicable to different sectors, and can utilize a broader scope of criteria, as well as incorporate views from several categories of stakeholders.