Value chain collaboration management is an effective means for enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency to enhance competitiveness. Vertical and horizontal collaboration have received much attention, but the current collaboration model combining the two is weak in terms of task assignment and node collaboration constraints in the whole production-distribution process. Therefore, in the enterprise dynamic alliance, this paper models the MVC (multi- value-chain) collaboration process for the optimization needs of the MVC collaboration network in production-distribution and other aspects. Then a MVC collaboration network optimization model is constructed with the lowest total production-distribution cost as the optimization objective and with the delivery cycle and task quantity as the constraints. For the high-dimensional characteristics of the decision space in the multi-task, multi-production end, multi-distribution end, and multi-level inventory production-distribution scenario, a genetic algorithm is used to solve the MVC collaboration network optimization model and solve the problem of difficult collaboration of MVC collaboration network nodes by adjusting the constraints among genes. In view of the multi-level characteristics of the production-distribution scenario, two chromosome coding methods are proposed: staged coding and integrated coding. Moreover, an algorithm ERGA (enhanced roulette genetic algorithm) is proposed with enhanced elite retention based on a SGA (simple genetic algorithm). The comparative experiment results of SGA, SEGA (strengthen elitist genetic algorithm), ERGA, and the analysis of the population evolution process show that ERGA is superior to SGA and SEGA in terms of time cost and optimization results through the reasonable combination of coding methods and selection operators. Furthermore, ERGA has higher generality and can be adapted to solve MVC collaboration network optimization models in different production-distribution environments.