who provided insightful feedback and scholarly guidance throughout this process. They committed their time to reviewing my work and posed critical questions that challenged me to reflect more deeply. I am forever grateful to Dr. Ryan Combs, who welcomed me into his research team from the beginning of my doctoral program. His mentorship and guidance honed my skills and led to my passion for qualitative research, which was fundamental in completing this study. I also appreciate the Department of Health Promotion and its Chair, Dr. Monica Wendel, for the financial and logistical support towards my data collection in Goma. My sincere gratitude to Dr. Robert Vutsopire from Goma Health Zone, who authorized my research, provided valuable insights, and facilitated my entry into the v study sites for data collection. I am equally grateful to the Ethics Committee at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, who conducted an expedited ethical review of this study, in addition to the University of Louisville Institutional Review Board. I also extend my sincere gratitude to all the key informants who participated in this study. My family and friends have been a special part of this journey. I am forever grateful to my dad, Dr. Kambale Karafuli; my mom, Dr. Muteho Kasongo; and my brother, Taji Vuruka, for all they have sacrificed for me to achieve this significant milestone. My parents have instilled in me the passion for learning and invested in my dreams, supporting me every step of the way. To my loving husband, Steven Nwaokolo "SJ", who has shown me unconditional love, endless support, and extraordinary patience over the years. He has encouraged me to dream big and has always seen the glass half full when I saw it half empty. Finally, I am thankful for my friends and colleagues who have made this doctoral journey fun and unforgettable.