Ethnic, cultural and religious diversity used to be the cause of conflict in society. Therefore, cultural intelligence is an indispensable competency, including the multi-ethnic Sumbawa community. The application of a cultural intelligencebased social intelligence learning model is carried out so that students have awareness and knowledge of religious and cultural diversity, have the motivation to work with friends of different religions and cultures and have tolerant behaviour towards friends of different religions and cultures. This research was conducted through the Isman learning design model. This research is still at the development stage, namely the limited trial stage conducted in class VIII at a SMPN in Sumbawa, Indonesia. The data were gathered by using questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques. The research findings are classified into five; (a) the input stage, describing the initial conditions of social studies learning; (b) the process stage, which describes the implementation of social studies learning based on cultural intelligence by both teachers and students; (c) the output stage, explaining the results of the implementation of the social studies learning model based on cultural intelligence both the level of involvement and learning outcomes of students; (d) the feedback stage, describes the process of evaluation and revision of the implementation of the learning syntax; and learning stages, describing the stages or syntax of the social studies learning model based on cultural intelligence.