Vitamin D seems to be associated with a protective effect in a vast range of diseases, including cardiovascular, autoimmune and oncologic conditions. Since ultraviolet (UV) B light is the most important prerequisite for the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D, sunbeds are able to increase serum vitamin D levels, although only transiently in most cases. In this scenario, the artificial tanning industry relentlessly tries to promote the use of sunbeds as a ‘safe’ therapeutic measure to achieve an adequate serum vitamin D status. The World Health Organization classified UV‐emitting tanning devices, as well as the whole UV spectrum, as group‐1 carcinogens, as they significantly increase the risk of melanoma and non‐melanoma skin cancer. In case of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, the current risk‐benefit ratio is therefore in favour of vitamin D supplementation instead of sunbed use. Artificial tanning devices should never be considered as an option to achieve an appropriate vitamin D status. Their supposedly beneficial effects, vastly publicised by the artificial tanning industry, are not worth the carcinogenic risk associated with sunbed use.