Neurological disorders are medically complex diseases that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. They can affect an entire neurological pathway or a single neuron. Some neurological problems can present years after a causative event. The World Health Organization reports that various types of neurological disorders affect millions of people around the world. So far, there are no therapies available to cure these disorders. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions can at best relieve symptoms and perhaps delay the progression of the disease. However, there are a wide variety of helpful treatments for different disorders that may help an individual to learn better social skills and communication cues, in order to help them be able to interact socially, in a more natural fashion. For some neurological issues, the outlook can be quite good with treatment and adequate rehabilitation. Diet also plays an important role in the prevention of late-life cognitive decline. Deficits in cognition, low dietary quality and physical functioning, and cardio-metabolic risk factors are frequently reported in patients with neurological disorders. In this chapter we will briefly discuss research, as well as current opportunities and future prospects towards personalized medicine in relation to selected neurological disorders and diseases such as Down syndrome, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs), and multiple sclerosis (MS).