Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid, inexpensive, and accurate analysis technique for a wide variety of materials, and it is increasingly used in soil science. The objectives of our study were to examine the potential of NIRS :o predict (i) soil P extracted by two methods [Mehlich 3 (M3P) and water (Cp)], soil total P (TP), annual crop P-uptake, and annual P-budget, and (ii) other soil chemical properties [total C (TC), total N (TN), pH, and K, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn extracted by Mehlich 3]. Soil samples (« = 448) were taken over a 7-yr period from an experimental site in Lévis (Québec, Canada) where timothy (Phleum pratense L.) was grown under four combinations of P and N fertilizer. The NIRS equations were developed using 80% of the samples for calibration and 20% for validation. The predictive ability of NIRS was evaluated using the coefficient of determination of validation {R^) and the ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation (RPD). Results show that M3P, Cp, crop annual P-uptake, and annual P-budget were not accurately predicted by NIRS [R^ < 0.70 and RPD < 1.75). Similar results were found for K and Cu. However, NIRS predictions were moderately useful for TP, TN, Fe, and Zn (0.70 < R^^ < 0.80 and 1.75 :< RPD < 2.25), moderately successful for TC and Al (0.80 < R^^ < 0.90 and 2.25 < RPD < 3.00), successful for pH and Mg (0.90 < R^^ < 0.95 and 3.00 < RPD < 4.00), and excellent for Ca and Mn (A/ > 0.95 and RPD > 4.00). The NIRS predictive ability of several soil properties appears to be related to their relationship with soil organic C. Although NIRS can predict several soil properties, prediction of total P was the only soil P-related property, correlated to soil C, that was moderately useful.Abbreviations: b, slope of linear regression; Cp, P extracted in water; CV, coefficient of variation; DM, dry matter; ICP, inductively coupled plasma; M3, Mehlich 3; M3P_Col, soil P content extracted using the Mehlich 3 method and analyzed by colorimetry; M3P_ICP, soil P content extracted using the Mehlich 3 method and analyzed by ICP; N, total number of samples; NIRS, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy; PLSR, partial least squares regression method; R^^, coefficient of determination of calibration; R^^, coefficient of determination of validation; Rep File, repeatability file; RPD, ratio of standard error of prediction to standard deviation; SD, standard deviation; SEC, standard error of calibration; SECV, standard error of cross-validation; SEP, standard error of prediction; SNVD, standard normal variate and detrending; TC, total carbon; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphorus; 1 -VR, coefficient of determination of cross-validation. P hosphorus is an essential nutrient and one of the most limiting for crop production. Mineral and organic P fertilizers are often applied to agricultural soils to achieve optimal crop yield, but amounts exceeding crop requirements can have a negative environmental effect. Several methods and/or techniques of soil analysis, including che...