“…cDNA library was synthesized using RevertAid TM First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with DNase I (#K1621 and #EN0521, respectively, both Thermo Scientific) following the manufacturer's protocol, and cDNA stored at À80°C. As we could identify only one kiss/gpr54 gene using the methodology described in the first section, to further confirm that there are no other expressed kiss/gpr54 paralogues present in the transcriptome of M. albus (most importantly, to corroborate that kiss1 and gpr54-1 are absent), we designed degenerate primers for kiss1, kiss2, and gpr54 genes ( [25,26], but we also tested the expression of Inter is intersex, H is heart, L is liver, S is spleen, K is kidney, B is brain, G is gonad, M is muscle, P is pituitary gland, and I is intestine. Discarded samples are highlighted with a red X sign above.…”