A 70-year-old Caucasian woman attended our pigmented lesions clinic for routine treatment. On examination, numerous seborrhoeic kératoses were found on her trunk and limbs. She reported that a lesion in the centre of her abdomen had increased in size over the previous year. Clinical examination revealed a symmetric lesion comprising two well distinct areas of pigmentation, one light brown and the other dark brown, and exhibiting a typical exophytic verrucous appearance (Fig. 1). Dermoscopic evaluation of the whole lesion revealed the presence of pseudo-horn cysts, comedo-like openings and fissures. Moreover, a pigmented network, as well as globules and pseudopods, were found in one part of the lesion (Fig. 2).A tentative diagnosis of collision tumour involving a seborrhoeic keratosis and atypical melanocytic lesion was made, and we decided to surgically remove the entire lesion. Histopathological examination of the excised tissue revealed a hyperkeratotic (papillomatous) seborrhoeic keratosis converging with an exophytic, verrucous lesion (displaying melanocytic activity) at the dermoepidermal junction and superficial dermis. The hyperkeratotic seborrhoeic keratosis displayed papillomatosis, acanthosis and the proliferation of basaloid cells with a varying admixture of squamoid cells, keratin-filled invaginations and hom cysts. Similar to conventional seborrhoeic keratosis, there were, at the dermoepidermal junction in the area of skin affected by seborrhoeic keratosis-like changes, nests of atypical melanocytes, some of which formed pagetoid spread in the epidermal fronds. The dermis, meanwhile, contained -20 -15 -10 -5 Fig. 2. Demiuscopic image of the same lesion shown in I ig. 1 JcniDnstrating pseudo-hom cysts, comedo-like openings and fissures. One part of the lesion also displayed a pigmented network, globules and pseudopods.tightly-packed aggregates of small darkly-staining cells resembling naevus cells. These cells displayed hypcrchromatic, angulated nuclei, scant cytoplasm and occasionally prominent nucleoli. The final diagnosis was hyperkeratotic seborrhoeic keratosis in collision with verrucous and keratotic nevoid melanoma (Fig. 3). The melanoma was a Clark level II tumour in the vertical growth phase. It had a Breslow thickness of 0.8 mm.The development of malignant melanoma contiguous with or adjacent to seborrhoeic kératoses is uncommon but has been documented previously (1-5).A retrospective analysis of 618 cases of malignant melanoma (6) identified 10 lesions with marked verrucous and keratotic patterns that were initially clinically diagnosed as benign lesions. Fig. I. Macroscopic image of a malignant melanoma arising from a seborrhoeic keratosis. Acta Derm Venereol 91 Fií^. 3. l!\pcrkcr¿iti>lic schonhocic m COIIISUMI \\ilh novoid melanoma.Melanoma cells are associated with scattered meanophages and signs of fibrosis in the superficial dermis (inset).