Research institutions can support the transition to CC by helping bridge the knowledge and experience gap through participation in or hosting knowledge centres and developing educational materials. They could also support sector networks as knowledge partners and support the public authorities in creating methods for recerti ication as well as the implementation of the digital product passports. They can take a leading role in developing standards for calculating induced bene its of CC while supporting the integration of CC into existing methods and certi ication schemes.
NGOsIndustry bodies can help overcome knowledge and experience gaps by acting as central nodes for industry networks and facilitating cooperation between value chain actors. They can also form knowledge centres, help develop and disseminate education materials, and run further education courses. They are also an ideal focal point for developing new norms and standards (data and process) around pre-demolition material mapping and reused product information, and they can support the integration of CC into existing industry routines. Similarly, they can help develop and disseminate guidance on CC in the current building regulations and positively in luence the revision of building regulations.Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, and the barriers and opportunities to circular construction along the construction value chain.
Project aimsThis project develops an overview of circular construction in the Nordic countries in 2022 and the main avenues that can be exploited to support further transition to a more circular construction sector in the future. Speci ically, the project:Examines the state of circular construction in the Nordic countries in the year 2022.Explores the barriers to, and opportunities for, circular construction in the Nordic countries.Provides recommendations toward a circular construction sector.