The TH−PH Hugoniot curves of compressional shocks in 2D Yukawa systems are derived from the combination of the Rankine–Hugoniot relation around the shock front and the universal relationship for the temperature in the postshock region. From the equation of state of 2D Yukawa liquids, the equilibrium melting curve for 2D Yukawa systems is derived using the two variables of the temperature T and the pressure P. It is found that the obtained TH−PH Hugoniot curves are intercepted by the equilibrium melting curve, indicating the existence of shock-induced phase transition at these crossing points. To confirm this prediction, molecular dynamical simulations of 2D Yukawa systems of κ=0.75 for the conditions around the crossing point are performed. In the postshock region, the calculated various diagnostics of static structural measures, like the Voronoi diagram, the defect ratio, the probability distribution of the shape factors ξ, the pair correlation function g(r), and the static structure factor S(q), suggest that, for our studied system, the shock-induced melting happens when the compressional speed of the boundary is 0.212a0ωpd<vleft<0.283a0ωpd, the same as the prediction from the crossing point.