By means of electrical transport measurements we have studied the rectified motion of vortices in ratchet potentials engineered on over-damped Josephson junction arrays. The rectified voltage as a function of the vortex density shows a maximum efficiency close a matching condition to the period of the ratchet potential indicating a collective vortex motion. Vortex current reversals where detected varying the driving force and vortex density revealing the influence of vortex-vortex interaction in the ratchet effect. PACS numbers: 74.75.Qt, 74.81.Fa, 85.25.Na The rectification of motion by asymmetric periodic potentials, so called ratchet effect, has been addressed extensively in recent years [1][2][3]. The suggestion that directed motion in biological systems is driven by this effect have largely triggered the research in this subject [4]. In this letter we address this subject by studying superconducting vortices which has been proven to be a paradigm for testing a number of statistical phenomena due to the ability of controlling density and interactions. The ratchet effect on superconducting vortices has been studied for numerous vortex pinning potentials [5][6][7][8] and suggested as a method to reduce vortex density or even generate lensing and guidance of vortices [9,10]. In Josephson junction arrays (JJA) and SQUIDs, asymmetric potentials for vortices and fluxons were also proposed and studied [11][12][13]. In this letter we present measurements on JJAs where asymmetric periodic pinning potential were created. We were able to detect rectification in the vortex motion and study the ratchet effect. By changing the periodicity of the potential we were able to study collective effects in this phenomena. layer. The gap between Pb islands was modulated with a sawtooth function across the arrays from 0£ 2 to 1 µm, while keeping 5 µm as the center to center distance between islands. In all cases sample size were 100 ¤ 100 islands. Different samples with periods of the ratchet potential P ¥ 7, 10 and 15 array cells were built maintaining the overall width of the array constant (hereafter called V7, V10 and V15 respectively).In Fig. 1 we show a scanning microscope picture of a representative region of one of the samples. Due to the discreteness of the JJA the energy associated with a single vortex is position dependent [14]. This feature is responsible for the existence of a finite critical force for the vortex motion (made evident through a critical current) and is responsible for the guiding of vortices [15]. To obtain an insight on the energy landscape for a vortex in these ratchet JJAs