ambient conditions, energetic materials may exist in one
or more than one metastable crystal structure. Under compression or
when heated, the material may transform into a different structure
or may decompose. Mapping the phase diagram of explosive materials
at high pressures and temperatures is an important component to evaluate
their performance and safety aspects. In particular, a detailed knowledge
of polymorphism and the structural and chemical stabilities of the
various phases is necessary to understand the reactive behavior of
explosive materials in the high-pressure and high-temperature range
that is relevant to shock-wave initiation. Phase transformations could
be rate-dependent; that is, fast compression or rapid heating could
result in different transformation pressures, temperatures, or even
structures compared with static compression and slow heating because
shock compression could be accompanied by sudden and extreme heating
effects. Nevertheless, static methods are expected to give a fair
idea of the structure of the materials under different P–T conditions and, from the structure, their
performance characteristics. Also, the shock-wave physics and chemistry
of explosives are so complex that in shock experiments it has not
been possible to identify the intermediate phases of molecules during
decomposition. Hence experiments with static high pressure and high
temperature are necessary to gain insight into these processes. Additionally,
computational modeling and simulations have been extensively used
to understand the effects of pressure on explosives. There is considerable
literature on these aspects of energetic materials accumulated over
the years. We will review the current status of experimental results,
primarily using X-ray diffraction, Raman, and infrared spectroscopies,
as probes exploring the P–T phase diagram of important secondary explosives ammonium nitrate,
TNT, TATB, PETN, RDX, HMX, CL-20, TEX, FOX-7, and TKX-50.