Previously [1-3], we have studied isomers and intramolecular rearrangements involving the addition, activation, and subsequent fragmentation of mole cules with multiple bonds upon their reaction with aluminum clusters doped with 3d transition atoms. We performed density functional theory (DFT) calcula tions of the potential energy surfaces (PES) along the minimum energy pathways (MEPs) of "sorption" stages of formation of Al 12 Тi(π L) complexes with L molecules containing multiple bonds (L = С 2 Н 2 , С 2 Н 4 , N 2 Н 2 , НСN, С 6 Н 6 , С 60 , СО 2 , etc.) side on coordinated (π type or η 2 coordination) to the tita nium atom located at the top of the titanium doped aluminum cluster with 12 vertices and a centered mar quee structure [1], as well as DFT calculations of acet ylene analogues like Al 12 МС 2 Н 2 with different 3d tran sition metal dopants M [2]. For the latter, we have considered the activation and fragmentation stages of isomerization (after sorption) related to different channels of dissociation of the С 2 Н 2 into CH + CH, H + С 2 Н, or H + H + C + C fragments to form more favorable fragment isomers of the same composition Al 12 МС 2 Н 2 but in which acetylene dissociation frag ments are differently built into the marquee aluminide cage Al 12 М and augment it to the Al 12 МС 2 carbalu minide cage with 14 vertices. In [3], analogous calcu lations have been performed for the Al 12 Тi and Al 12 Ni complexes with CO and СО 2 molecules. For most compounds, three types of low lying isomers have been localized. In one of them, the strongly polarized C 2 H 2 molecule can be coordinated to the M dopant, to an M-Al edge, or a MAl 2 trigonal face of the metal cage; in the second isomer, both diatomic CH frag ments are in capping positions over adjacent MAl 2 faces; the third isomer contains a five coordinate C* atom with a pyramidal environment located near the centers of quasi planar tetragonal MAl 3 faces and bound to the central Al c atom through the fifth bond. An unusual isomer has been localized in which both carbon atoms are built into the aluminum cage as five coordinate C* atoms. A specific feature of the isomers containing five coordinate carbon is that the C* atom in them is able to add, with a considerable decrease in total energy, acceptor BH 3 or AlH 3 ligands and to increase its coordination number to six (six coordi nate carbon) in Al 12 MC 2 H 2 BH 3 complexes.This work is a continuation of our studies [1-3] and deals with quantum chemical modeling of isom erism in Al 12 M + N 2 and Al 12 M + N 2 H 2 complex sys tems (M = Al, Ti) in which the metal clusters Al 13 and Al 12 Ti are bound to the N 2 and N 2 Н 2 molecules. The choice of objects for study was motivated by the fol lowing reasons.The interactions of metal clusters with the N 2 mol ecule ae of interest for understanding the mechanisms of activation and fixation of molecular nitrogen. They have been studied in a series of experimental and the oretical works (see, for example, [4][5][6][7] and references Abstract-Segments of the poten...