Iron oxide nanoparticles have great importance in future biomedical applications because of their intrinsic properties, such as low toxicity, colloidal stability, and surface engineering capability. So, blood containing iron oxide nanoparticles are used in biomedical sciences as contrast agents following intravenous administration. The current problem deals with an analysis of the melting heat transfer of blood consisting iron nanoparticles in the existence of free convection. The principal equations of the problem are extremely nonlinear partial differential equations which transmute into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by applying proper similarity transformations. The acquired similarity equalities are then solved numerically by Runge-Kutta Felhsberg 45th-order method. The results acquired are on the same level with past available results. Some noteworthy findings of the study are: the rate of heat transfer increases as the Casson parameter increases and also found that the temperature of the blood can be controlled by increasing or decreasing the Prandtl number. Hence, we conclude that flow and heat transfer of blood have significant clinical importance during the stages where the blood flow needs to be checked (surgery) and the heat transfer rate must be controlled (therapy). K E Y W O R D S blood, Casson nanofluid, melting heat transfer, natural Convection, non-Newtonian fluid, numerical method 1 | INTRODUCTION Convective heat transfer can be enhanced inertly by enhancing the thermal conductivity of the fluid. Researcher tried to increase the thermal conductivity of regular fluids by suspending micro-or larger-sized solid particles in fluids. Since the thermal conductivity of solid is typically higher than that of liquids. Maxwell 1 initiated theoretical studies on heat transfer of fluid containing suspended solid particles. Later on numerous investigators expanded this original work. 2,3 Due to large size and high density, the solid particles settling out of suspension which induce additional flow resistance and possible erosion. Hence, fluids with dispersed coarsegrained particles have not yet been commercialized. Choi 4 from Argonne National Laboratory coined a term nanofluid which is combination of nano-sized particles (diameter < 100 nm) or fibers in the usual fluids. He confirmed that addition of nanofluids enhanced thermal conductivity by two times compared to normal fluid. Nanoparticles could control the processes of oil recovery according to Prodanovi et al. 5 Nanofluids are more stable compared to other fluids. It also has acceptable viscosity and better spreading, wetting, and dispersion properties on solid surface. 6,7 Kim et al 8,9 analyzed the crucial significance of nanofluids in the field of nuclear science. They confirmed that the nanofluids can improve the performance of any water-cooled nuclear system applications. Pressurized water reactor, primary coolant, standby safety systems, accelerator targets, plasma diverters, and so forth, are such possible applications. 10 T...