We report on detailed measurements of the core structure of Shockley partial dislocations in colloidal crystals. In crystalline arrays of micrometer sized thermosensitive particles, the interactions between the colloidal building blocks were tuned by changing the temperature. Individual dislocation cores were observed in a confocal microscope and their behavior as a function of temperature was studied. The obtained results qualitatively agree with the Peierls theory and are promising for further studies in which both Peierls stress and dislocation core width are measured simultaneously. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.095501 PACS numbers: 61.72.Ff, 07.60.Pb, 61.72.Lk, 82.70.Dd For over a century, since the early experiments on colloids by Perrin [1], colloidal particles have been employed as a model system for atoms. The merits of using colloids as model atoms are reflected in a process such as crystal nucleation. Nucleation of an atomic crystal occurs very quickly and on a length scale of angstroms or nanometers, precluding a real space study of crystal nucleation. The same process in a colloidal system takes minutes and can be observed directly with a microscope [2], while the physics behind the process remains essentially the same. In this way, homogeneous nucleation [2], as well as nucleation at impurity dopants [3], has been studied in great detail. In many ways, this example illustrates one of the key aspects of colloid science: to generate slow and seeable model systems.Another area of research that could benefit from the colloidal approach is dislocation theory. The historic Peierls theory for dislocations was put forward shortly before the outbreak of World War II [4]. Over a decade later, the core structure of dislocations was observed experimentally for the first time, as a result of the advent of high resolution electron microscopy [5][6][7]. Despite these advances a direct comparison between core structure and macroscopic material properties has not been made. Here, we will discuss a system of colloidal thermosensitive spheres that readily crystallize into a random hexagonal close packed lattice. Through analysis of confocal microscopic images, Shockley partial dislocations can be identified and characterized. The width of the dislocations is shown to be strongly dependent on temperature, which is discussed within the light of the generalized Peierls theory [8] and the properties of the thermosensitive colloids. The results hold promise for experiments in which dislocation width and crystal shear strength are measured simultaneously.Colloidal crystals form an ideal system to study dislocations. Because of the weak interactions between the particles, the formation of dislocations costs relatively little energy. In addition, because of the extremely low stacking fault energy, Shockley partial dislocations can exist in unpaired form, i.e., without the presence of a second Shockley partial with Burgers vectors adding up to a full dislocation [9]. Other peculiar dislocations have been observed, such as ...