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Study of the TIG Hot-Wire Process Using AISI-316L like Addition Material Analyzing the Effect of the Magnetic Blow Arc over Weld Bead DilutionAbstract: The TIG process with Hot-Wire addition is described as a process highly productive, in comparison with conventional TIG process with Cold-Wire, achieved large deposition rates and low dilution percentages, characteristics that permit to the process to be an optimum alternative for cladding applications. There are many options of electrical circuits configurations for to heat the addition wire in the TIG Hot-Wire process, highlighting the utilization of the continuous pulsed current and the alternating current. In the present paper were studied two configurations of the electrical circuit for to heat the addition materials, whom in theory provoke different behaviors in the welding arc, and therefore, in the geometrical properties of the welding bead too. A first analysis done on the welding arc, demonstrate that to heat the wire with continuous constant current is generated a permanent magnetic blow over the arc. According to trials made, the direction and intensity of the magnetic blow will depend of the polarity and of the current value for to heat the wire. A macrographic analysis of the weld beads demonstrated that the best results were for the tests made with Hot-Wire, achieving dilutions until a 2% for a wire velocity of 7,5 m/min, 1kW of power for to heat the wire and it using a welding velocity of 30 cm/min.
Key-words:TIG; Hot-Wire; Magnetic blow; Dilution.
IntroduçãoAtualmente no mercado existem vários processos para se realizar um revestimento metálico. Dentro dos processos de soldagem que se destacam para realizar esta tarefa encontram-se o MIG/MAG, TIG e o PTA. O processo MIG/MAG oferece uma grande produtividade, mas o aparecimento de respingos sobre o metal de base e os consumíveis da tocha faz com que a qualidade superficial do revestimento seja afetada, além disso, o processo MIG/MAG não se sobressai por possuir um baixo nível de diluição. No caso do processo PTA, ele possui como principal aplicação a realização de revestimentos, devido aos seus baixos níveis de diluição (menores a um 5%) [1], ele acaba por possuir um excelente