Absorption of the budget is often used as a benchmark in performance appraisal, so budget absorption is very important to be noticed by the government. This study aims to test empirically about the influence of budget planning, human resource competence, on the ability of budget absorption at Udayana University with the use of information technology included as a moderation variable. This study us primary data, data collected by using the instrument in the form of questionnaire. The sampling method in this study used saturated sampling (census) where all members of the population were sampled. The number of samples in this study was 116 respondents. Data analysis technique using Regression Moderation Analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the use of information technology can strengthen the influence of budget planning on the ability of budget absorption at Udayana University and the use of information technology can strengthen the influence of human resource competence on the ability of budget absorption at Udayana University.