Concerning oral health in Sanggau District is still quite high, the results of an initial survey in Tayan Hilir District on MTsN3 children used a questionnaire on 42 respondents. The results obtained are as follows, knowledge about dental and oral health is good (54.8%, and moderate (45.2%). This study aims to describe and analyze the influence of the incidence of dental caries (DMF-T), the status of dental and oral hygiene ( OHI-S) on tooth brushing behavior of young men based on their area of residence on the river coast and highlands in Tayan Hilir District, Sanggau Regency.The tools used were a questionnaire with Cross Sectional, Correlate Spearman and Kendall's test and Regression, with Univariate, Bivariate analysis, Multivariate The results showed that the incidence of dental caries (DMF-T) was 32.3%, oral hygiene status (OHI-s) was 48%. river (54.5%), types of food consumed on average non-cariogenic types every day (61.1%), the age of most respondents aged 13 years (40.4%), the incidence of caries (DMF-T) is influenced by status dental and oral hygiene (OHI-s) by (R=15.7%), influenced by tooth brushing behavior by (R=15%), influenced by living area by (R=8.8%), influenced by type of food ( R=6.3%), and influenced by age (R=6.5%). Dental and oral hygiene status (OHI-s) affected the incidence of dental caries (DMF-T) by (R=16.4%), influenced tooth brushing behavior by (R=15%), affected area of residence (R=9, 9%), affecting the type of food consumed every day non cariogenic type (R = 9%), as well as influencing age (R = 21.3%). Overall the incidence of dental caries (DMF-T) is influenced by oral hygiene status (OHI-s), and vice versa, including the type of food consumed daily and age. The significance value is 0.00 <0.05 with the number (r) close to 1, so it can be concluded that the effect is perfect.
Keywords: DMF-T, OHI-S, Toothbrushing Behaviour, Place of Residence