Despite the recent rapid progress in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), there still exist ample opportunities for improvement in sample preparation. Macromolecular complexes may disassociate or adopt nonrandom orientations against the extended air-water interface that exists for a short time before the sample is frozen. We designed a hollow support structure using 3D DNA origami to protect complexes from the detrimental effects of cryo-EM sample preparation. For a first proof-of-principle, we concentrated on the transcription factor p53, which binds to specific DNA sequences on double-stranded DNA. The support structures spontaneously form monolayers of preoriented particles in a thin film of water, and offer advantages in particle picking and sorting. By controlling the position of the binding sequence on a single helix that spans the hollow support structure, we also sought to control the orientation of individual p53 complexes. Although the latter did not yet yield the desired results, the support structures did provide partial information about the relative orientations of individual p53 complexes. We used this information to calculate a tomographic 3D reconstruction, and refined this structure to a final resolution of ∼15 Å. This structure settles an ongoing debate about the symmetry of the p53 tetramer bound to DNA.cryo-EM | DNA-origami | single particle analysis | structural biology | p53 C ryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure determination of biological macromolecules is undergoing rapid progress. With the advent of efficient direct electron detectors and the development of powerful algorithms for image processing, numerous structures to near-atomic resolution have been reported in the past few years (1, 2). In cryo-EM single-particle analysis, solutions of purified protein and/or nucleic acid complexes are typically applied to a thin, amorphous carbon film with micrometer-sized holes in it that is held in place by a metal grid. Excess liquid is then blotted away with filter paper, and the sample is rapidly plunged in liquid ethane (3,4). This procedure ideally results in the formation of a film of vitreous ice that is only slightly thicker than the macromolecular complex of interest. Keeping the frozen sample at liquid nitrogen temperatures allows its insertion into the high vacuum of a transmission electron microscope and limits the effects of radiation damage by the electrons that are used for imaging (5). Images taken through the holes of the carbon film ideally contain 2D projections of many, assumedly identical copies of the macromolecular complex of interest, which are often called particles. Projections from different viewing directions can then be combined in a 3D reconstruction of the scattering potential of the molecule (6). If the resulting map approaches a resolution of 3 Å, it allows building an atomic model of the molecules, from which useful information about their function may be derived.A major hurdle in single-particle analysis is the need to recover the relative viewing angles...