Cellulysin-induced ethylene production in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf discs was enhanced several-fold by prior exposure of the leaf tissue to ethylene. This enhancement in the response of the tissue to Cellulysin increased rapidly during 4 and 8 hours of pretreatment with ethylene and resulted from greater conversion of methionine to ethylene. On treatment with Cellulysin, the content of 1-aminocyclopropane-lcarboxylic acid (ACC) in leaf discs not pretreated with ethylene markedly increased while that of the ethylene-pretreated tissue was only slightly higher than in the tissue incubated in the absence of Cellulysin. Ethylenetreated tissue, however, converted ACC to ethylene at a faster rate than air controls. These data indicate that ethylene stimulates Cellulysininduced ethylene production by stimulating the conversion of ACC to ethylene. Data are also presented on a possible relation of this phenomenon to ethylene produced by the tobacco leaf upon interaction with its pathogen, Alternaria alternata.Ethylene is produced by higher plants as well as microorganisms and its role as a plant hormone is well established (1,15,16). In most diseased plants, ethylene production is stimulated and the involvement of ethylene in pathogenesis has been suggested (6,21,25). Ethylene may be involved in disease resistance by induction of enzymes or by formation of antifungal compounds (8,10,11,21,28), while it may also promote sensitivity of higher plants to external stimuli by accelerating senescence (1). Little is known about the mechanism of production and roles of ethylene during the interaction of host and parasite. There is also no clear knowledge of the contribution of host or pathogen to ethylene produced during disease or of the site of ethylene production (21). However, an early event in the interaction between the host and its pathogen is the secretion, by the pathogen, of cell-wall degrading enzymes (5) Tobacco leaves were pretreated in air or ethylene in 3.8-L desiccators. Each leaf was divided in half by cutting along its mid-rib and each half was placed on filter paper, moistened with water, in individual desiccators. A vial containing filter paper soaked with 2 ml of 0.25 M mercuric perchlorate was placed in the 'air control' desiccator to absorb traces of ethylene. Similarly, in some experiments, whole, potted tobacco plants were pretreated with ethylene. Four plants were placed inside a 2-ply (3 mil), 45-L polyethylene bag for 16 h with the desired ethylene concentration. Unless otherwise indicated, three leaf discs (1 cm in diameter, weighing 50 mg) were incubated in 25-ml Erlenmeyer flasks with 0.5 ml of the basal medium containing 700 mM sorbitol, 10 mm Mes (pH 6.0), 10 mm CaC12, 50 gg/ml streptomycin sulfate, and 50 units/ml penicillin G in the absence or presence of Cellulysin (Calbiochem) (4). Cellulysin was desalted before use by ultrafiltration with an Amicon PM-10 membrane (3). Ethylene was allowed to accumulate for I h and quantified by GC (17). Between each sampling, flasks were flu...