We report measurements of nonlinear charge movement in frog skeletal muscle fibers paralyzed by the calcium-entry blocker [Schwartz, A. & Taira, N., eds. (1983) Circ. Res. 52, Part II, Number 2, 1-181.1 D600 (methoxyverapamil, recently renamed gallopamil). Nonlinear charge movement was not seen in such fibers, suggesting that the drug severs the link between membrane depolarization and the main components of charge movement. This is the only pharmacological agent that blocks the main components of charge movement.While current carried by ions across membranes has been studied for many years, nonlinear capacitive currents within membranes have been recorded only in the last decade. Armstrong and Bezanilla (1) measured a nonlinear capacitive current in the membrane of squid axon. Since then, substantial evidence (?) has been gathered supporting the hypothesis that this current arises from the movement of a "voltage sensor," which controls the conformation and, thus, the conductance of the sodium channel. This Here we report a study of the relationship of charge movement and contraction in skeletal muscle. We find that charge movement is absent in paralyzed fibers but present in revived fibers. This result supports the hypothesis that charge movement is responsible for T tubule-to-SR coupling.
MATERIALS AND METHODSEarly experiments were performed on whole sartorius muscles of Rana temporaria. In later experiments, semitendinosus muscles were thinned to several layers of fibers, exposing the fiber ends at the tendon and reducing connective tissue interference with solution changes and microelectrode impalement. The paralyzing treatment of muscle fibers has been described and documented in detail (11). Briefly, a muscle was presoaked in normal Ringer containing 30 /iM D600 at about 59C. A high (190 mM) potassium solution at 50C also containing 30 ,uM D600 was applied for 30 sec to depolarize the fibers. The muscle was then soaked in normal Ringer's solution for 10-30 min, and the contractility of surface fibers was checked. If randomly selected surface fibers did not move in response to depolarizing current from an inserted microelectrode, as observed under a compound microscope, the experiment commenced. If the fiber moved in response to depolarization, then a second and sometimes a third contracture was elicited. Surface fibers of these whole muscles were always paralyzed after three applications of potassium, usually after two, and often after one.Nonlinear charge movement was measured by using the procedures and methods of analysis of Chandler et al. (12) and of Gilly and Hui (13,14). In order to record this nonlinear capacitive current, which is small in magnitude, other currents flowing in parallel pathways must be minimized. Nonlinear ionic currents were reduced by channel blockers, and linear current was removed by subtraction. The following bathing solution minimizes nonlinear ionic currents: 115 mM tetraethylammonium chloride containing 5 mM RbCl, tetrodotoxin (10 ttg/ml), 30 puM D600, 11.8 mM C...