During K+-induced depolarization of isolated rat brain nerve terminals (synaptosomes), 1 mM Ba2+ could substitute for 1 mM Ca2' in evoking the release of endogenous glutamate. In addition, Ba2+ was found to evoke glutamate release in the absence of K+-induced depolarization. Ba2+ (1-10 mM) depolarized synaptosomes, as measured by voltage-sensitive dye fluorescence and r3H]-tetraphenylphosphonium cation distribution. Ba2+ partially inhibited the increase in synaptosomal K+ efflux produced by depolarization, as reflected by the redistribution of radiolabeled %b+. The release evoked by Ba2+ was inhibited by tetrodotoxin (TTX Guan et al., 1988;Matthies et al., 1988;Quastel and Saint, 1988;Heldman et al., 1989; Taglialatela et al., 1989; Hamano et al., 1991). By comparing and contrasting the action of Ba2+ with the action of Ca2+ on neurotransmitter release, important insights into the physiological mechanisms by which Ca2+ both directly triggers and indirectly regulates exocytosis may be revealed. One difference in the action of these two cations has, in fact, been noted previously: Ba2+, unlike Ca2+, was found to increase the release of neurotransmitter under resting (basal) conditions. Although Ba2+ has been shown to enter nerve terminal preparations largely through voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs; Nachshen and Blaustein, 1982; Augustine and Eckert, 1984), the nature of the Ba2+-induced increase in basal neurotransmitter release has not been clearly delineated.Two possibilities have been put forth to account for the effect of Ba2+ on neurotransmitter release. First, it has been suggested that following entry, Ba2+ accumulates in the nerve terminal cytosol to a greater extent than does Ca2+ (e.g., Quastel and Saint, 1988), because Ba2+ is not sequestered by the intraterminal buffering systems as effectively as Ca" (RasgadoFlores et al., 1985). Thus, even if the entry of Ba2+ under nondepolarizing conditions were low, Ba2+ would amass in the nerve terminal and induce release. Second, it has been suggested that Ba2+ acts by depolarizing nerve terminals through blockade of K+ channels (see Hagiwara et al., 1974), which would, in turn, open VSCCs and allow Ba2+ to enter. These possibilities are not mutually exclusive. Finally, once Ba2+ enters, it remains to be demonstrated in an intact nerve terminal that Ba" acts directly on the release Abbrevialions used: 4-AP, 4-arninopyndine; DiBAC4(3), bis( I ,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)tnmethine oxonol; HBS, HEPES-buffered saline; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; TEA+, tetraethylammonium ion; TPP', tetraphenylphosphonium ion; TTX, tetrodotoxin; VSCC, voltage-sensitive calcium channels; WW78 1, bis(3-methyl-1 -psulphophenyl-5-pyrezolone)pentamethine oxonol.