Previous studies have identified granular vesicles in peripheral adrenergic axons, and larger granular vesicles in various brain regions which seem to be correlated with the presence of norepinephrine. In the present study, electron microscopic autoradiography was used to localize SH-norepinephrine taken up by brain slices in vitro and by brain in vivo after injection via the lateral ventricle. In both preparations, the label was found predominantly in relation t o small, unmyelinated axons and nerve endings. Many of these contained granular vesicles in axons which were located in regions of the brain known to contain norepinephrine. It is suggested on the basis of this study and previous work, that exogenous norepinephrine is accumulated by brain axons and nerve endings which contain endogenous norepinephrine, and that the presence of granular vesicles is a common feature of such structures.In peripheral adrenergic axons, electron microscopy has revealed the presence of granular and agranular synaptic vesicles averaging 500 A in diameter in the nerve endings (Richardson, '62). The proportion of granular vesicles is decreased following reserpine (Pellegrino de Iraldi and De Robertis, '63), or metaraminol (Bondareff, '66) administration, and increased with monoamine oxidase inhibition (Pellegrino de Iraldi and De Robertis, '63), norepinephrine administration (Bondareff, '66), or with potassium permanganate fixation (Richardson, '66a). Electron microscopic autoradiography has revealed that intravenously administered norepinephrine is localized to the regions of adrenergic axons containing mixed granular and agranular synaptic vesicles (Wolfe et al., '62; Wolfe and Potter, '63). On the basis of these various lines of evidence, it appears probable that at least a portion of the norepinephrine in peripheral adrenergic nerve terminals resides in vesicles, with the amount of amine in particular vesicles determining whether or not they appear with a dense core, or granule (Richardson, '66b).Many studies of brain fine structure have revealed a correlation between the presence of norepinephrine and the occur- microscopic histochemical method which does not distinguish norepinephrine from dihydroxyphenylalanine and 5-hydroxytryptamine, found the reaction product in the form of granules. With post-osmication granular vesicles were seen as apparently the only site of reaction. These studies all favor the interpretation that nerve endings in the brain which contain norepinephrine are characterized by the presence of granular vesicles. However, such interpretations all depend upon correlation rather than direct identification of norepinephrine containing axons and their endings.In the present study, electron microscopic autoradiography was used to localize the uptake of tritiated norepinephrine by brain in vivo and in vitro in order to directly identify structures capable of accumulating this amine. With such preparations, the cytology of structures having this capacity for uptake may be described without depending upo...