O ne a p p ro a ch for o b ta in in g h ig h -r eso lu tio n s tr u c tu ra l an d fu n ctio n a l in fo rm a tio n for b iom em b ran es an d th e ir p ro tein s is b y s ta tic so lid -sta te NMR o f o ri e n te d sy stem s. H ere, a g e n e r a l p ro ced u re to a lig n fu lly fu n c tio n a l b io lo g ica l m em b ra n es co n ta in in g large m em b ran e p ro tein s (Mr >30,000) is d escrib ed . T he m eth od , b a sed on th e iso p o te n tia l sp in -d ry u ltra ce n tr ifu g a tio n tech n iq u e , r e lie s on th e cen trifu g a tio n o f m em b ran e fra g m en ts on to a su p p o rt w ith sim u lta n e ous, or su b seq u en t, p a r tia l e v a p o r a tio n o f th e so lv e n t w h ic h a id s a lig n m en t. atu ral m em b ra n es w ith th e red c e ll a n io n ex ch a n g e tran sp ort p r o te in in ery th ro cy tes, b an d 3, an d th e n ico tin ic a c e ty lc h o lin e receptor. O 1997 Academic Press The elucidation of the structural and functional orga nization of biological membranes by various biophysi cal techniques is one of the important questions being addressed in structural biology. The complexity of the systems, however, their supramolecular structure, and their dynamic properties make direct studies particu larly difficult. Specifically, membrane proteins present extraordinary technical difficulties to the most com monly used methods in structural biology, such as crys tallography (1) and solution NMR spectroscopy (2). In 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed, Fax; 01865/275-234 or -259. E-mail: awatts@bioch.ox.ac.uk.
132recent years solid-state NMR spectroscopy (3, 4) on macroscopically oriented lipid bilayers has rapidly emerged as an alternative approach to elucidate struc tural and functional features of membrane-bound pep tides and proteins. In such aligned systems, lipids and proteins are arranged uniaxially around the mem brane, allowing normal orientation of the molecule backbone relative to the substratum. In combination with isotopic labeling (e.g., 2H, 13C, 15N) this NMR ap proach has successfully been used to determine the complete secondary structure of the M2 channel pep tide and fd coat protein (3), while the orientation of the antibiotic peptide magainin has been resolved in bilayers (5). The complete secondary structure of gram icidin and its dynamic properties in membranes have also been obtained using 2H and 15N NMR (6-9). In addition, the complete structure and orientation of deu terated retinal in bacteriorhodopsin at different states of its photocycle has been resolved (10), The average molecular and orientational order of lipids and peptides in liquid crystalline membranes could also be deter mined unambiguously in this way (11-14).Unfortunately, the generation of structural and ori entational information about membrane proteins has been limited mainly to peptides, since no general methods have been available for aligning native and reconstituted membranes containing larger integral membrane proteins in sufficient quality and quantity without affect...