Introduction. An integral part of the general historical memory of Russia as the state-successor of the Soviet Union is the memory about the Soviet past. In the light of the intensification of attempts by the influential international actors to falsify and revise the modern history, the creation of its integral picture, equivalent and non-controversial for the authorities and society, is of particular relevance. The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the representation of the topic of historical memory by the parliamentary parties of the Russian Federation at the present stage.
Materials and Methods. The key research methods are comparative, synchronous analysis, traditional and discourse analysis of documents. The most important materials are normative legal acts and conceptual and strategic documents of the Russian Federation, program documents of parliamentary parties of Russia, information posted on their official websites, as well as in the System of Legislative Support. Totally they made it possible to verify the principled positions and probable directions of the formation of the state policy of the memory of Russia, taking into account the need to implement the continuity of the national statehood.
Results. Similar and distinctive features in the interpretation of the Soviet past in the party discourse, semantic images and plots are revealed. The main initiatives and actions of the Russian parliamentary parties and their regional branches in the Republic of Mordovia for the preservation of historical memory are characterized; their participation in the development and implementation of historical and patriotic projects is shown. The party practices are emphasized in the plane of protecting the historical truth about the Great Patriotic War and the feat of the Soviet people. The predominant activity of the “old” parliamentary parties in the area under consideration has been found.
Discussion and Conclusion. The conducted research has demonstrated the ambiguity of the status of parliamentary parties as mnemonic actors and articulates significant gaps in the interpretation and promotion of positively filled memorial narratives in relation to the Soviet past. Its results can be useful to public authorities and public associations of various levels, contribute to the development and implementation of appropriate decisions and strategies for political positioning, strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation.