Embedded systellls design is moving from ASIC based implementations to using commercial off the shelf processors. ASICs tend to have long design cycles and they do not offer rnuch flexibility for later design changes. With the rapid advances in ernbedded systerns and rnicroprocessor technology, the traditional rnethods of selecting a processor for an ernbedded systern rnay not be effective. The techniques have to keep up with the advanced novel architectures that are constantly being developed. Processor selection is an important part of embedded system design. The current nlethods of performance evaluation which are mostly based on instruction set sinlll1ators are quite accurate but they suffer fronl the drawback of consuming large amounts of titne. Moreover, as processor technology irnproves, the construction of such instruction set sirnulators becornes rnore cornplex. Hence, with advances in technology, the evaluation process becornes slower. rrherefore to speedup the process, a higher level view of the underlying architecture is desirable. Estilnation, instead of a detailed performance evaluation, can help in narrowing down the choice to a srnaller set of processors. Fast processor perforrnance estirnation can easily lead to large saving in design tirne. Estirnation at a higher level does incur the cost of decrease in accuracy. But this disadvantage is easily compensated for by the increase in estimation speed, thereby allowing us to take into consideration more processors. Current processor perform.ance estinlation rnethodologies generally lag behind ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library First of all, I would like to thank lUy thesis supervisor Dr. rrhambipillai Srikanthan for his guidance, support and encouragement. I am very grateful to him for his patience during this resea,rch. It was indeed a privilege to have the opportunity of working uncleI' him. I would also like to thank Dr. Wu Jigang for all the suggestions and help in writing the papers. I arn also grateful to hirn for proof reading this thesis. rrhanks are also due to Mr. Lam Siew Kei for his insightful COluments during the many discussions we had. It was a rewarding experience being in the company of both Dr. Wu and Siew Kei. Thanks also to Ms. Merilyn Yap, Ms. Nah, Mr. Rando Hong and Mr. Chua Ngee T'at for all the adrninistrative help and the cornputing support provided. I arn also grateful to Mr. Ashish Panda and Mr. Santanu Dash for agreeing to proof read this thesis and also for all the meaningful and the not so rneaningful discussions we had. I also thank Dr. I(ugan Vivekanandarajah for all the help and discussion which were very invaluable for this research work. Thanks also to Mr. Rohit Nagarajan and Ms. Chandni Patel for being a groat source of help, support and luuch fun. I would also like to thank Mr. Shaminl Akhtar for initially advising lue to pursue graduate studies here at Nanyang lechnological University. I would also like to thank ]VIr. Kolli Naveen f...