In four experiments, subjects freely recalled previously studied items while a voice key and computer recorded each item's recall latency relative to the onset of the recall period. The measures of recall probability and mean recall latency were shown to be empirically independent, demonstrating that there exists no a priori relationship between the two. In all four experiments, latency distributions were fit well by the ex-Gaussian, suggesting that retrieval includes a brief normally distributed initiation stage followed by a longer exponentially distributed search stage. Further, the variation in mean latency stemmed from the variation in the duration of the search stage, not the initiation stage. Interresponse times (IRTs), the time elapsed between two successive item recalls, were analyzed as well. The growth of mean IRTs, plotted as a function of output position, was shown to be a simple function of the number of items not yet recalled. Finally, the mathematical nature of both free recall latency and IRT growth are shown to be consistent with a simple theoretical account of retrieval that depicts mean recall latency as a measure of the breadth of search.
511Perhaps the most striking feature of episodic free recall is the distinctively long pause that sometimes precedes a response. Even a study list with only a few items often results in response latencies greater than 10 sec. These lengthy response times are unique to free recall, as cued recall and recognition typically yield response times of 1 or 2 sec. Yet although analyses of cued recall latency (e.g., MacLeod & Nelson, 1984) or recognition latency (e.g., Hockley, 1982) are quite common, few investigators have measured free recall latency, the time elapsed from the onset of the recall period to the recall of an item, or interresponse times (IRTs), the time between consecutive retrievals.The limited attention given to either temporal measure may stem from the belief that recall probability and recall latency are a priori inversely related and therefore redundant measures. That is, an experimental manipulation that weakens the memory trace and thereby reduces recall probability should necessarily increase recall latency as well. Ifthis were the case, researchers could simply ignore free recall latency without overlooking any important information. Although such negative correlations can occur, there is no prior evidence that they either must (or even usually) occur. Indeed, three experiments in the present investigation yielded correlations between recall probability and latency that were negative, nonexistent, This research was supported in part by NIMH Training Grant MH-14268 to the first author. We thank Mari Chernow for her assistance in the laboratory and Bennet Murdock, Jeroen Raaijmakers, Richard Shiffrin, and Geoffrey Loftus for their comments. Correspondence concerning this article, as well as requests for raw data, should be addressed to D. Rohrer, Department of Psychology 0 I09, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. and po...