C alCulation is based on distinct neural networks, which can be reproducibly identified in different subjects. 2,3,24 A pivotal role in calculation is played by the parietal lobe. In the past 2 decades, neuroimaging and neuropsychological evidence was collected about the innermost mechanisms of calculation, and 3 main parietal circuits 4 have been proposed as the basis of calculation processing. According to this model, intraparietal areas are bilaterally associated with core quantity organization, the left angular gyrus is associated with verbal processing of numbers, and the posterior superior parietal system is associated with spatial and nonspatial attention. In particular, a crucial role in quantity processing has been proposed for the horizontal segment of the intraparietal sulcus. With regard to electrostimulation mapping of calculation, some experiences have been reported on left parietal lobe mapping, 7,13-15,21,23 while data on right parietal mapping are anecdotal and discordant. 20,25 This difference may be due to the much greater attention given to language mapping so far; however, impairment of mathematical skills can be the cause of serious personal and social difficulties. For this reason, the ability to perform calculation tasks ought to be regarded as a fundamental function. The parietal lobe is not only a frequent location of different neurosurgical conditions (such as gliomas, arteriovenous malformations, and others) but it is also a key area for the surgical approach of deeply seated lesions such as intraventricular or periventricular lesions. 10,12,16 The potential clinical repercussions of new data providing evidence of the right parietal lobe as an eloquent area for calculation are therefore obvious in left-dominant patients, in whom the right, nondominant side is generally considered a reasonably safe surgical approach.In this report, we present the results of intraoperative Object. The role of parietal areas in number processing is well known. The significance of intraoperative functional mapping of these areas has been only partially explored, however, and only a few discordant data are available in the surgical literature with regard to the right parietal lobe. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical impact of simple calculation in cortical electrostimulation of right-handed patients affected by a right parietal brain tumor.Methods. Calculation mapping in awake surgery was performed in 3 right-handed patients affected by highgrade gliomas located in the right parietal lobe. Preoperatively, none of the patients presented with calculation deficits. In all 3 cases, after sensorimotor and language mapping, cortical and intraparietal sulcus areas involved in singledigit multiplication and addition calculations were mapped using bipolar electrostimulation.Results. In all patients, different sites of the right parietal cortex, mainly in the inferior lobule, were detected as being specifically related to calculation (multiplication or addition). In 2 patients the intraparietal s...