Loss in ovarian function during mid-life results in adverse changes in cardiovascular profile of women. The strength of the association between CVD risk factors and menopause differ cross culturally since several modifiable factors play significant roles in explaining CVD mortality than differences in endogenous estrogen. Very few of the studies from this subcontinent have been concerned with the menopause specific CVD risk factors, particularly among the tribal groups. Thus, we intended to study the variations in body fat pattern and CVD risk factors between Hindu caste and Lodha tribal postmenopausal women and how these risk factors can be predicted from differential socio-economic, reproductive and menstrual characteristics and lifestyle variables. The Lodha tribal populations is considered as Particularly Vulnerable Group (PVTG) in this country.
This cross-sectional study was conducted among the Bengali Hindu caste and Lodha tribal populations of the State of West Bengal, India covering three districts namely Howrah, Jhargram and East Midnapure. A total number of 197 postmenopausal participants have been recruited for this study (urban caste 69, rural caste 65 and rural Lodha 63). Data on blood sugar and total cholesterol levels, blood pressure, muscle mass, body fat distribution and sociodemographic, reproductive and menstrual history and lifestyle variables were collected following standard protocols. The entire data was analyzed with the help of statistical package for social science version 20.0(IBM corporation, 2011).
This cross-sectional comparison of women at midlife, though exploratory in nature showed significant differences in body fat pattern and CVD risk factors between caste and tribal groups owing to the socioeconomic disparities, differences in reproductive characteristic and lifestyle factors.
The caste and tribal populations differed significantly in body fat pattern and CVD risk factors and the concomitants to these problems, suggesting interplay between menopause and modifiable factors in explaining CVD risk factors during mid-life.