Aim The objective of the present study was to explore the menstrual health experiences of adolescents residing in institutional care. Method An in-depth interview with 25 adolescents residing in institutional care was conducted from February to March 2022. The data collected through semi-structured interviews were transcribed and then translated for the report writing purpose. Results After inductive thematic analysis, four themes were identified, namely, Menstrual experiences, Access to menstrual products, Social support and coping behaviours. Conclusion Based on the result findings, it can be concluded that it is high time for the policy makers, non-government organisations and government to join hands to address the needs of Institutionalised Adolescent menstruators. Only then, holistic women empowerment goal can be achieved. Limitation The present study was limited to qualitative analysis of 25 in-depth interviews from adolescents residing in one of the institutional cares of Gujarat state. Recommendations Future multicentric research studies could be conducted with large sample size by incorporating mixed method research design in order to gain deeper insights into the problem stated. Implications In the light of the experience of Adolescent menstruators residing in Institutional care, they can be educated about menstrual management. Counselling is necessary and the need of hour for Adolescent menstruators to deal with how to handle emotions before and during menstrual phase.