Many studies show the efficacy of mental health applications to reduce several types of mental problems encountered by university students. Indeed, this type of mental treatment is not adopted at the national level. In this paper, we present the results of an online survey of acceptance of an assistive stress' management application by Moroccan university students. A total of 421 medical students were invited to complete an online survey published in the official web site of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez. The mean age was 21.52 (SD = 2.05) and females represented the majority of our population (63.4%). The results of our investigation show a general acceptance of an online antistress application by a good proportion of our population (36.6%). A mobile app seems to be more accepted by our students (22.6%) than a web app (14.0%). The findings of this paper will be explored to design an evidence-based antistress app that will be designed to help our university students to access to professional online help to better manage their psychological problem.