In the 25 y since their introduction, semi-rigid and in¯atable penile implants have become remarkably dependable mechanical instruments associated with high patient satisfaction. This report attempts to quantify the historical milestones of signi®cance pertaining to these devices. As with any historical`best of ' list, there will be controversy and omissions. Three broad topics contributing to the advancement of penile prosthetic surgery, devices and techniques are discussed: (1) Prosthetic design changes contributing to freedom from revision: distention controlled cylinders, Bio¯ex cylinders, connectionless systems and reservoir lockout valves; (2) Instrument innovations to facilitate prosthetic surgery: Scott retractor, Furlow inserter, Brooks dilators, Carrion-Rossello cavernotomes; (3) Clever surgical applications: SST repair, transverse scrotal incision, modeling for Peyronie's disease, salvage for infection and natural tissue repair.