Missing data is a problem that occurs frequently in many scientific areas. The most sophisticated method for dealing with this problem is multiple imputation. Contrary to other methods, like listwise deletion, this method does not throw away information, and partly repairs the problem of systematic dropout. Although from a theoretical point of view multiple imputation is considered to be the optimal method, many applied researchers are reluctant to use it because of persistent misconceptions about this method. Instead of providing an(other) overview of missing data methods, or extensively explaining how multiple imputation works, this article aims specifically at rebutting these misconceptions, and provides applied researchers with practical arguments supporting them in the use of multiple imputation.
Goal and intended audienceThis article addresses applied researchers within the field of social and behavioral sciences (but possibly other fields as well) facing the problem of missing data, who have heard of multiple imputation as a method to deal with missing data, but have concerns about actually using this method. These concerns may be based on misconceptions implying that in their specific situation multiple imputation should either not be used at all, or only with much caution. This article collects several of those misconceptions, and provides grounded rebuttal-through theory and practical argumentation-to ultimately support researchers in their deliberations regarding their statistical analyses when faced with missing data.