“…Price-ending research has not been conducted in the hotel business; however, Kreul (1982) studied pricing in the restaurant industry and concluded that price-ending strategies in restaurants mirror practices commonly utilized in retailing with low-priced, valueoriented restaurateurs most likely to utilize a price ending with the digit ''9''. A more recent study within the hospitality industry, conducted by Naipaul and Parsa (2001), concluded that the use of a ''9'' price-ending signaled ''value'' to consumers while a ''0'' price-ending communicated 'quality.' This strategy conveys a message consistent with previous findings that such price-endings communicate an image of ''classiness'' (Spohn and Allen, 1977, p. 188), ''sophistication'' (Raphael, 1968), ''prestige'' (Alpert, 1971, p. 112), or a ''touch of dignity'' (Feinberg, 1962).…”