Intramultiplet mixing collisions of chromium 3d 54p 7 P 0 J with gases. Absolute cross sections and velocity dependence J. Chem. Phys. 80, 3137 (1984); 10.1063/1.447128Collisional intramultiplet relaxation of Cd(5s5p 3 P 0,1,2) by alkane hydrocarbonsThe deactivation processes ofCd(5 3P 2 ) by H2 and D2 were studied by employing pulsed laser techniques. The cross sections for the intramultiplet relaxation to produce Cd (5 3 PI ) and Cd (5 3 Po ) were determined as follows:Cd(5 3P 2 ) + H2 -Cd(5 3P I ) + H 2 ; 6.3, Cd(5 3P 2 ) + H2 -Cd(5 3p o ) + H 2 ; 1.0, Cd(5 3P 2 ) + D2 -Cd(5 3P I ) + D 2 ; 4.4, Cd(5 3P 2 ) + D2 -Cd(5 3P O ) + D 2 ; 0.9, in units of 10-16 cm 2 at 630 K. The cross sections for the overall deactivation ofCd(5 3P 2 ) by H2 and D2 were determined to be 9.8X 10-16 cm 2 and 6.9X 10-16 cm 2 , respectively. These values are compared with the calculated results based on a semiclassical curve crossing mechanism. It is suggested that electronic-to-rotational energy transfer without sharp resonances plays an important role in the deactivation ofCd(5 3P 2 ).