Since Vietnam launched the Doi-Moi policy, many up-to-date restructuring activities has surged among local firms, notably mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The consumer goods industry is a key sector of the economy in Vietnam, M&A in this industry is holding the leading position in the country. The reseach is the first significant attempt focusing on finding, describing and analyzing the characteristics of M&A activities in the consumer goods sector in Vietnam from 2000 to 2022. The results show that, the success rate of consumer goods deals is relatively high compared to the overall market on average. Although accounting for the largest propotion in terms of value in the M&A market in Vietnam and tending to increase over time, deals in the consumer goods sector are mainly small and medium-sized, made largely by domestic companies with the main types of stake purchase, acquisitions, tender offer; other forms such as mergers, consolidation, LBO, Spin offs account for a negligible proportion. A small proportion of M&A deals use advisors and there may needs large-sized deals appear to increase this proportion. The research also indicates that it needs more loosen up in local government’s policies and legislation environment to motivate successful transactions.