Carboxylica cids and their derivatives are abundant and inexpensive organic and biomass-derived platform molecules,a nd their conversion into high-value products represents an important goal. Recently,v isible-light photoredox decarboxylative couplingr eactions have become an important chemical transformation because of their wide sub-strate scope, mild reaction conditions, high efficiency,a nd practicability.T his review summarizes recenta dvances in visible-light photoredox decarboxylative coupling strategies, which include the formation of CÀCa nd CÀY( Y= heteroatom) bonds.Scheme1.Visible-lightp hotoredox decarboxylative Michael additiono fN-(acyloxy)phthalimides (LED = light-emitting diode).Scheme3.Visible-lightp hotoredox synthesis of unnatural chiral amino acids (CFL = compact fluorescent light).