The following is a collection of three separate articles each utilizing a subset of the Integrated Mission System (IMS) of the U.S. Equal Economic Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which includes all Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Title I. cases of workplace discrimination claims files from July 27, 1992 to December 31, 2008. This is a total of 402, 291 claims. Information from the IMS contains indications of how the cases were resolved and not merely statistics at the level of the allegations. This enables research to ascertain the scope of workplace discrimination against people with disabilities. Numerous studies have been done on specific disability groups, but heretofore, no study has placed its primary focus on the "alternate prongs" of the ADA's definition of disability, that is, historical ("record of") and perceived ("regarded as"). Information about these subgroups highlights the cultural force of stigma as well as the propensity to engage in unconscious, automatic judgments, which, while they may be free of animus, still can have deleterious consequences for the workers affected by them.