Eimer's organ is a small, densely innervated sensory structure found on the glabrous rhinarium of most talpid moles. This structure consists of an epidermal papilla containing a central circular column of cells associated with intraepidermal free nerve endings, Merkel cell neurite complexes, and lamellated corpuscles. The free nerve endings within the central cell column form a ring invested in the margins of the column, surrounding 1-2 fibers that pass through the center of the column. A group of small-diameter nociceptive free nerve endings that are immunoreactive for substance P surrounds this central ring of larger-diameter free nerve endings. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a high concentration of tonofibrils in the epidermal cells of the central column, suggesting they are more rigid than the surrounding keratinocytes and may play a mechanical role in transducing stimuli to the different receptor terminals. The intraepidermal free nerve endings within the central column begin to degrade 15 mm from the base of the stratum corneum and do not appear to be active within the keratinized outer layer. The peripheral free nerve endings are structurally distinct from their counterparts in the central column and immunocytochemical double labeling with myelin basic protein and substance P indicates these afferents are unmyelinated. Merkel cell-neurite complexes and lamellated corpuscles are similar in morphology to those found in a range of other mammalian skin. Anat Rec, 290:437-448, 2007Rec, 290:437-448, . 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.