We compute the Fourier coefficients of analogues of Kohnen and Zagier's modular forms f k,∆ of weight 2 and negative discriminant. These functions can also be written as twisted traces of certain weight 2 Poincaré series with evaluations of Niebur-Poincaré series as Fourier coefficients. This allows us to study twisted traces of singular moduli in an integral weight setting. In particular, we recover explicit series expressions for twisted traces of singular moduli and extend algebraicity results by Bengoechea to the weight 2 case. We also compute regularized inner products of these functions, which in the higher weight case have been related to evaluations of higher Green's functions at CM-points.where Q ∆ denotes the set of binary integral quadratic forms of discriminant ∆. The functions f k,∆ were extensively studied by Kohnen and Zagier and have several applications. For example, they used these functions to construct the kernel function for the Shimura and Shintani lifts and to prove the non-negativity of twisted central L-values [21]. Furthermore, the even periodsof the f k,∆ are rational [22]. Bengoechea [2] introduced analogous functions for negative discriminants and showed that their Fourier coefficients are algebraic for small k. These functions are no longer holomorphic, but have poles at the CM-points of discriminant ∆. They were realized as regularized theta lifts by Bringmann, Kane, and von Pippich [7] and Zemel [26]. Moreover, Bringmann, Kane, and von Pippich related regularized inner products of the f k,∆ to evaluations of higher Green's functions at CM-points.The right-hand side of (1.1) does not converge for k = 1. However, one can use Hecke's trick to obtain weight 2 analogues of the f k,∆ . These were introduced by Zagier [24] and further studied by Kohnen [20]. The aim of this paper is to analyze these weight 2 analogues for negative discriminants. Here we deal with generalizations f * d,D,N for a level N , a discriminant d, and a fundamental discriminant D of opposite sign (see Definition 3.1). The f * d,D,N transform like modular forms of weight 2 for Γ 0 (N ) and have simple poles at the Heegner points of discriminant dD and level N . Let Q dD,N denote the set of quadratic forms [a, b, c] of discriminant dD with a > 0 and N |a, χ D 1