The reliability, that is long-term quality, requires a different approaching from short-term
quality which is used before. As the electronic components are to be easily normalized on the
reliability evaluation, many reliability prediction methodologies are used. In this study, integrated
reference model of reliability prediction is serviced for existing PRISM and Bellcore which is
related on reliability prediction about electronic components, and will service reliability data based
on PoF (Physics of Failure) from domestic research center. The constructed frame of reliability
evaluation system, which can predict and evaluate reliability of electronic components and MEMS,
is designed by using online service of the reliability data accumulated on web. To evaluate proposed
system, the reliability evaluation of PCB (Printed Circuits Boards), which is used in NC controller
of machine tools, is introduced according to PRISM, the representative reference model of
reliability prediction about electronic components based on MIL-HDBK-217F.