In some previous research studies, quite successful results have been obtained in using online tools to increase students' academic achievement. In many fields; the benefits of online formative quizzes have been widely recognized by educators. However, there is little research determining whether weekly formative online exams affect students' academic achievement, especially in engineering courses. In this quasi‐experimental study, it was investigated whether the weekly quiz application method had an effect on students' academic achievement in an engineering course. One hundred and ninety sophomores participated in the study. Although the experimental group (n = 81) used the quizzes prepared on the Course Portal online to learn the Sensors and Transducers Unit, the control group (n = 109) solved the quizzes in the textbook on a paper‐pencil basis. After the online quizzes were solved, the experimental group was given which questions they answered incorrectly and the related video link of these incorrectly answered questions, and the relevant section of the book was given by the Course Portal as feedback. The pretest and posttest data of the students were obtained, and analysis of covariance was utilized as the analysis method to reveal the answer to the study question. The statistical analysis of the students' average achievement scores in the posttest (midterm exam) showed that the experimental group's average achievement score was significantly better than the control group. Results show that online weekly exams have significant effects on students' academic achievement. Weekly online quizzes are recommended to engineering lecturers as they offer students to improve their students' academic success.