The target fragmentations in vp and fjp interactions are investigated by the assumption of a quark· diquark structure of proton and a quark·diquark cascade model. It is shown that the diquark system left in target fragmentation region behaves like a mixing state of single object mode (diquark) and independent two·quark mode. § 1.
IntroductionThe idea of a diquark state in proton is an interesting problem, which has been investigated in many physical processes. 1) Recently, the role of diquarks in deep-inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering has been studied by an assumption that diquark form factors can account for the scaling violation in nucleon structure functions. 2 ) In particular, Fredriksson et al. showed that the proton is mostly in a u( ud)o configuration where (ud)o denotes diquark with 5=1=0. Also, the proton fragmentation at small PT has been systematically studied on the basis of the assumption of a quark-diquark structure of proton. 3 ),4)In these analyses, the diquark is assumed to be a colored entity(3* of color) which becomes part of a baryon.On the other hand, the cascade model for quark jets in soft and hard interactions has been discussed by many authors. 5) The model, however, did not include baryon and antibaryon productions. Recent experimental data in e+ e-annihilations have shown that many baryons are produced. 6 ),7) Thus, we must consider a quark jet including baryon and antibaryon productions. It is a simple treatment of baryon productions in quark jets to consider a diquark-antidiquark pair creation in a way similar to the quark-antiquark pair creation. Hence, we may consider a cascade of the diquark similar to the quark. These considerations lead to a multi-channel cascade model for quark and diquark where the primordial emission processes of quark (q) and diquark «qq» are shown in Fig. 1. 8 ),9) Different treatments of the diquark jets have been discussed by Anderson et al. IO ) and q '" q • (qq) =;;;;z:t ==;~>C=. B (qq) ~M C q ~(qq) (e) (d) Fig. 1. Primordial emission processes of quark and diquark:(a) q-->meson(M)+q, (b) q-->baryon(B) +(qq), (c) (qq)-->B+ii and (d) (qq)-->M+(qq).