In this work, we seriously discuss whether X(3915) can be treated as a χ c0 (2P) state. Based on an unquenched quark model, we give the mass spectrum of the χ cJ (2P) states, where there are no free input parameters in our calculation. Our result shows that the mass gap between χ c0 (2P) and χ c2 (2P) can reach 13 MeV, which can reproduce the mass difference between Z(3930) and X(3915). Additionally, the calculated masses of χ c0 (2P) and χ c2 (2P) are consistent with experimental values of X(3915) and Z(3930), respectively. Besides, giving the mass spectrum analysis to support X(3915) as χ c0 (2P), we also calculate the width of χ c0 (2P) with the same framework, which is also consistent with the experimental data of X(3915). Thus, the possibility of charmoniumlike state X(3915) as χ c0 (2P) state is further enforced. ‡ Corresponding author * Electronic address: † Electronic address: § Electronic address: ¶ Electronic address: η c (2S) 1986 h c (1P) 2003 X(3872) 2006 Z(3930) 2010 X(3915) 2013 X(3823) 2017 Y(4220) 2019 X(3842) Established charmonia XYZ states as the candidates of charmonium 17 years FIG. 1: The established charmonia and some XYZ states as possible candidates for charmonium.In 2009, focusing on 2P states, the Lanzhou group carried out the study of the mass spectrum and strong decay behav-arXiv:2002.03311v3 [hep-ph]