We study the thermal conductivity in disordered s-wave superconductors. Expanding on previous works for normal metals, we develop a formalism that tackles particle diffusion as well as the weak localization (WL) and weak anti-localization (WAL) effects. Using a Green's functions diagrammatic technique, which takes into account the superconducting nature of the system by working in Nambu space, we identify the system's low-energy modes, the diffuson and the Cooperon. The time scales that characterize the diffusive regime are energy dependent; this is in contrast with the the normal state, where the relevant time scale is the mean free time τe, independent of energy. The energy dependence introduces a novel energy scale ε * , which in disordered superconductors (τe∆ 1, with ∆ the gap) is given by ε * = ∆/τe. From the diffusive behavior of the low-energy modes, we obtain the WL correction to the thermal conductivity. We give explicitly expressions in two dimensions. We determine the regimes in which the correction depends explicitly on ε * and propose an optimal regime to verify our results in an experiment.